Thursday, June 7, 2012

500 KM from nowhere. - Northern Australia

Just getting back to civilization after an 8 day trip to a beautifully bizarre world... here is what I found:

Dr. Seuss trees 

Aboriginal art.

Ant hills the size of humans.

Our commute.

Roo's and Wallabies 

More Dr. Seuss trees.

Weird sunset photo shoots.

An epic time-lapse or two.

Sunset on the Bullo River

Victoria River

Eric Maede.

They drive on the wrong side of the road. 

Jim and I bought hats to try and look the part.

4 grown men in a 12 foot tin boat chasing a 16 foot man eating crocodile.

Even more Dr. Seuss trees.

A 16 foot crocodile and I'm still shockingly alive.

More to come...